Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with our organization. Individuals can become a volunteer, board member, talent, and/or patron by buying a subscription/ticket. Corporations can request to become a season/show sponsor by contributing a monetary donation. And groups can purchase an ad in our season program book. These are just a few ways you can help. We welcome and are grateful for any help we receive. If you would like to volunteer in a capacity that we haven’t mentioned, please contact us and share your thoughts! We hope you will join us this season and thank again you for your continued support of our mission of “Envisioning the Classics with Color”.
After you’ve made a donation, check out our donors page for your name.
Donate Now
Donate your time and skills by becoming a volunteer. Check out our volunteer job board for available positions and sign up!
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Take a look at our wish-list, you might have something we need that you haven’t used in months! Grant a wish by donating an item.
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We hold auditions several times throughout the year. Sign-up for our mailing list to stay informed.
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