The following is a list of items our organization desperately needs. If you are our Fairy Godmother/Father and have access to grant us these wishes we would be ever so grateful.
If you don’t know how to be of assistance, then please feel free to doing it the “new-fashioned” way by making a monetary contribution small or large. Do not hesitate to give today. Your much-needed and greatly appreciated tax-deductible contribution will be recognized in our season program as well as on our donor page. Thank you!
The quality of our filming and taping of the shows is paramount to the organization being able to show clips and tapes of our work in the best manner. Videotaping/filming production values have been low to say the least. Shots are too far away, an unsteady camera that is giggling, sound quality is poor and echo-y instead of crisp and clear made for the camera. We feel as if we have to place a disclaimer when we submit clips to be reviewed for funding panels. If you know of a “real” film production crew that has the ability at the very least to provide pro-bono to tape the entire production (or even just a few key scenes) we would appreciate it very much.
Status as of September 2019: We still wish to have this. Please call our office at (415) 762-2071 ext. 6 or connect with us using our contact form. Thank you!